Last night, after getting a sleepy boy (who did not sleep yesterday) to sleep, Daniel and I nestled down to watch a movie. Fifteen minutes into the movie, we heard a REALLY loud lightening strike that seemed to be right at our window (it lit up the whole room). I was holding Joshua who jumped along with Daniel and I, and than went back to sleep (he was tired!!) Next thing we knew, our building's fire alarm was going off (there are several buildings in our apartment complex).
We were very blessed that the shrieking noise was not going off in our apartment flat, but everyone else's (I was not ready to hear Joshua screaming because the loud noise was hurting his ears!). We had a lady and daughter come into our house so the noise would not hurt her little girl's ears. Her husband was working night shift, and she was pretty scared.
Daniel called the apartment complex, because he tried turning off the smoke detectors in our neighbors flat, but found out that it was not the smoke detector going off. The shrieking (fire alarm) noise was coming from the intercom system that is in every room of the apartment, and impossible for you to turn off. Within about 10 minutes, the fire truck pulled in front of our apartment building, and everyone went out to see it before the rain started coming down.
The fireman came up and asked Daniel if there was any water in any of the flats because the meter was showing that the sprinklers in the apartments were running. The rain started to fall and was getting us drenched, so we went back into the house (I was still holding Joshua, who was STILL asleep!). Daniel managed to get a photo of the night! :-)
This morning, we were told that our building was not the only one that got hit. There was one more, and it was the one right next to us. The lightening struck something which caused the sprinkler system in the apartments to go off. But, the sprinklers were not spraying water in any of the apartment flats! Weird!
Wow! I am thankful that you guys are ok! Thanks God there wasnt a fire! Also, it was a blessing that your little man slept thought it. It nice when they do that!
What a night you all had. Its nice when the little ones sleep through things like this. Some texas storms can be so nasty at times. That is one thing I dont miss with being over here. :) Hope all is well with you.
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