As for the life of Daniel and Christa, we are doing pretty well and staying busy! We have found that we have to move out of our duplex by the 27th of July! Where are we moving next? Well, it is not totally certain, but it looks like it will be Dallas.
We spent Daniel's birthday in Dallas house hunting and spending time with his family! Daniel has entered the world of 24!! :-) And, he says he already feels pretty old!
This past weekend we spent our time with Wesley and Rachel Hurd, Katy, Zach,, and most of the Franklin family! We had a wonderful time at the Psalm sing, seeing old friends and singing! Later that evening we attended a ball with them, and Daniel had an enjoyable time at his first ball!
Daniel is on his way home for lunch, so I need to go get it started so he can eat! Blessings!