Daniel started his 4th year with Hunt Construction in February. Although he has had some good months and some stressful months, God has carried him and our family through on a daily basis. Daniel continues to remain a wonderful Husband, Father, and Provider. This past year, Joshua has wanted Daniel more than he has wanted Mommy, and it has been such a delight to see the two boys rolling around on the floor and giggling really hard. Daniel has helped his Dad with numerous projects this year, and we have been able to see his family at least twice a month. Besides taking out the garbage, Daniel likes to keep his garage cleaned and organized!
Christa continues to do a wonderful job taking care of our home and caring for our son. In February, we moved into our first home, and it has been such a delight to watch her care for the affairs of our home. She has started some schooling with Joshua, and it is wonderful to see how both she and Joshua light up when Joshua says the "correct" answer! Besides being a Bride in her own wedding, Christa was blessed to be in her first wedding as the Matron of Honor in her sister Tiffany and Ben Hector's wedding in May. Christa still gets a little upset when I walk on her freshly vacuumed floor, but she is doing much better than when we were first married!
On November 24th, we celebrated 4 years of marriage! Yes, we have had our rough patches, but God has sought to take those times and draw us closer together. We are still madly in love! :)
Joshua turned 2 on February 28th, and it has been such a delight to us both to watch our son grow. We pray to the Lord each day, that He would bless our son. He has been and remains a joy to our family. This past year he started out liking "Cars" and "Thomas the Train", and now has moved on to "Toy Story", but still likes to play with his cars and trains. He counts 1-20 on his own, and sings his ABC's. He loves singing "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow", "O Worship the King", "Silent Night", and "Holy, Holy, Holy". He is memorizing the "Children's Shorter Catechism" and it puts a big smile on your faces when he answers the question in a goofy mood, but he loves being asked. He reminds Daddy and Mommy to ask him. He prays on his own, and sometimes, it is hard not to laugh when he says something funny in his prayers! Joshua was a ring bearer for the first time in Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Ben's wedding, and he looks forward to being a ring bearer again in his Uncle James and soon-to-be Aunt Jill's wedding in April.
Although, we do not know what is in store for our family in 2011, we are still eager to see what God has for us! May God richly bless your family in 2011!
Daniel, Christa, and Joshua Blanchard